A downloadable game for Windows

In “Blight Voice” you slip into the role of a brave urchin boy and his small companion. They are bound together supporting each other on their way. While the boy can walk and jump, his little friend can fly into places that are out of reach.

Together you explore the environment of two interconnected worlds, whereas one is hidden from your view. You have the ability to see into this hidden world and uncover elements that are the solution as well as the cause of all your troubles.

You solve puzzles, discover forgotten remnants of a past civilization and encounter beings traversing across the two worlds that are connected to each other by a power you must yet come to understand.


The project was part of our game design study at the HTW Berlin. It was created by Leon Dreiling, Laura-Maria-Martinek, Raphael Sindermann and Johannes Witt, in 17 weeks over the course of the third semester.

We want to thank Prof. Susanne Brandhorst, Prof. Thomas Bremer and Timo Falcke for their helpful feedback and constant support. This project was made possible by the DE:HIVE Institute and their game design program.


blight-voice-windows-universal.zip 509 MB
Version 1 Mar 13, 2021


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(2 edits)

The gameplay looks incredible. I liked the designs of the monsters.

Thank you :D

How long did it take for you to get through the game?